Saturday, February 14, 2009

After the dust settles, its beginning to look a lot like class warfare

Obama’s 5 day pledge will not be used on this legislation because it is deemed ‘emergency legislation’, not that that seems to be stopping him from upholding that pledge anyway. The corrected, consolidated and merged House and Senate bills were online the evening of Friday the 13th, Obama will sign it Monday morning. The documents are HUGE, Section A is 496 pages – 5Mb and Section B is 575 - 2Mb. Going through it to find all the hidden earmarks, pork, and wasteful spending would take a week or longer! You can’t trust the summaries or press as they are so slanted it is unbelievable. The point is this, this bill is shaping up a clear cut class war. The payouts and provisions are all aimed at aiding those dependant on government aid, buying more of their loyalty, forcing the middle class into dependency on the government for sustainability, and undermining the upper class in an attempt to redistribute their wealth completely (much the same way as happens in all revolutions where rich people’s properties are taken and given to the poor). This is becoming more and more clear as I analyze the flapping head talk show hosts, blogs, and what the media is leaving out of the discussions on what is going on in this country now. As I stated earlier, good thing I am in China, now I can apply the living in an authoritarian communist society to my home country.

Just breezing through the first 20 pages I came across a $400 million provision for WIC, the women, infant, and children for providing nutriesous and free foods necessary for development (milk, orange juice, cheese, cereal, etc.). Working for a grocery store in rural Alabama for 6 years and I know about it all too well. The provision states clearly that $100 million is only to be used for funding the program, the remainder is to be used when it is expanded to enroll more people. This expansion is used to hook people on dependency on government aid, little by little. One of my favorite talk show hosts said it best, its like what a drug dealer does to get new clients, he gives away free drugs to get you hooked and then he starts charging when you need it. This package, while some is necessary and needed, is government crack handed out to hook us all. $100 million to expand free lunch programs, provided the schools only use it for new equipment and have a population of students eligible for the program at 50% or higher. Seeing public school enrollment is declining, as our population is, and school districts are having to close down schools would it not be a better use of funds to use it to; hire staff, buy better quality food, or expand the program to charter schools and alternative schools?

Increasing social services does not stimulate the immediate needs of our economy! Increasing social programs does nothing to fix the problems of job loss, frozen credit, home value increases, or spur domestic spending which all the Democrats have acknowledged is what the real problem is! All these programs are long term spending programs. They all require local taxes to fund. Where do you suppose this funding will come from in October, when this budget plan expires? Oh, you did not know this bill is just for this fiscal budget year? Surprise, we will get a peek at Obama’s wish list for the next fiscal year at the end of the month. Back to the point, the funding for all this expansion of WIC, school lunch, Medicare/Medicaid, unemployment benefits, etc, will be coming out of local tax bases. Yep, local communities will have to hike up property, sales, and income taxes to pay for the new expanded services. This will bog down local economic growth and make the case for federal funding grants to the local communities cementing their dependency on and influence by federal government into local communities across the nation. California and Wisconsin are already using their portion of the bill to supplement their deficit spending (remember all states are required by law to have balanced budgets). This financial crack being handed out will make communities and people dependant on the government. Once you do that the government will tell you how to spend that money.

What was Bill Clinton’s crowning achievement as president? Come on, you know you can name it. Letting Bin Laden go, Kosovo, White Water, the tech bubble, Monica Gate, Socialized Medicine, NAFTA, getting impeached? Nope, it was workfare, the reform of welfare to make people who could work work to receive assistance. Well that was just erased. This bill, soon to be law, now allows tens of millions sit at home and collect a check with no job searching provisions or minimum hours of work at a job to receive. Welfare is there as a supplement to allow you time to get another job. If you don’t have to get another job and they expand it from 6 months to 10~12 months then what incentive do you have to look for work? It is encouraging laziness and dependency on government aid. What was lauded as a success under Clinton’s 8 years of hell was now killed by the very party that created it. Making the middleclass slaves and then slowly turning them into lower class will help swell the ranks of those for an impending class warfare.

Remember the good old days of president Bush when the Democrats were screaming about raising the deficit spending from 3% to 4% of our GDP to fund the war? Remember when Regan created a recession and deficit spending of 3% of our GDP to fix Carter’s catastrophe? You will now because this bill puts our deficit spending at 13~14% of GDP based off of pre-recession GDP figures! That is like having a sub-prime mortgage loan with a teaser rate of $900 a month and after 4 years jumps to $3,600 a month… oh wait many can relate to that because that is what cause the housing melt down that tripped off this whole mess in the first place! We have increased our deficit spending 3 to 4 times! Why were the Democrats screaming at Bush for increasing it a measly 0.5% 4 years ago and happily going with these gross increases now? We are putting ourselves on a collision course and the reasons are eerily pointing toward a new class war in the country.

How can all this spending be paid for. If you take all the war spending since it began 6 years ago, throw in the homeland security spending for good measure, you still don’t match the spending in this bill! The Democrats seem to hate spending money on war, but spending it on re-analyzing the results of the 2010 census findings and other things that don’t fix our economic problems outlined above is totally fine. Just as SCHIP was lauded by Pelosi and she defended its birth control measure by saying it was a stimulus provision, no cost saving provision, no, well she blew it off anyway. The Democrats love to spend money and could care less about oversight. Case in point. Obama’s ridicule of a bank’s planned annual event to Las Vegas, for an employee recognition and senior executive meeting to review and plan the next year’s strategies, and his fervor against another bank’s marketing budget at the Superbowl, to gain more clients, deposits, and loan candidates. Because these banks took TARP funds he want to tell them what they can’t spend money on. Its their fault for taking the funds, but if they take federal funds does the government have the right to tell them how to spend their money? Really? If so I want to tell all the unionized school teachers in America where, when, and how to spend their paychecks, vacations, and personal expenses. They receive tax dollars. How about the Post Office. With this new 2 cent increase I don’t want to see them spend anymore on advertising, overtime, use 30% less fuel, and get rid of all unhealthy foods on government property because I fund their healthcare too! See, when the shoe is on the other foot it feels different.

Our deficit spending is funded by; taxes received over the next fiscal year, treasury bonds sold to private, public, and sovereign wealth funds (countries), and deals involving trade and currency exchanges. This tripling of deficit spending pushes the bonds down to historic lows eroding the confidence they can even be repaid! Private investors are not going to buy them, they just lost 50% of their wealth when the markets collapsed (if they were lucky) and the bond rates now are less then 0.6% return on 10 years! Businesses won’t be getting any bonds for the same reasons. Japan and China (#2 and #3 economies respectfully) are hurting and can only buy a small fraction of bonds as they are in recessions and problems of their own. Global markets are all down and digging in by spending less as investments. Some want to see the dollar fall as it will increase their currency or GDP rates. So the only other option is to just print money. Without a value based on it the value of the currency will fall, simple supply vs demand. As demand for US dollars falls supply will skyrocket, making inflation and possible devaluation a stark reality. The US dollar may become just like the Mexican peso, worth less 24 hours after it was printed. All that money will mean little if prices go up to match the realistic value of the currency. Remember the good old days of Carter and his triple doubles, double digit inflation, unemployment, and national debt increases? Well, get used to it because here we go again. Funny thing here. This bill is trying an old formula that has failed in every communists and socialists country over the past 60 years yet we feel we can make it work this time around. China abandoned government run businesses 30 years ago and adopted a more capitalistic approach, the results… from 3rd world to 3rd largest economy and still growing in a global recession all in 30 years, it has never happened before. It seems China and American are two passing ships in the night, each going to where the other has just came from.

All this circles back to the positioning of class warfare in the country. The Democrats, drunk off of their huge wins this past fall, have placed a 40 year in the making wish list up before a president who is going to sign it into law after the public, who will be paying for it, gets less then a weekend to review and inform their Congress members how to vote on it. 40 years of far left wing ideas, philosophies, and scams will become a reality, all with smiles and pats on the backs while the president told the nation, with a straight face, that this was necessary and had to be done now, because waiting another week or two would doom us all to, well whatever the Democrats version of a non-religious Hell would be. These measures will place the yoke of dependency on the middleclass. These measures are aimed at going after the rich. While not rich, a fan of the rich, nor a believer that rich people are anything besides scum, I feel in out country that if you work hard and are persistent you should get rewarded accordingly. What about Paris Hilton? I would love to see her on WIC and food stamps, but only as a result of her family disowning her or cutting her off permanently. There is a gambler’s saying that applies here, scared money don’t make no money. The reward of a high payout is worth the risk, this is what created the rich people in the first place, they were willing to go it alone when it looked worst. Are we saying now that they are bad for being successful? Are we no longer rewarding success? Are we now going to say that those with money have to support a system that has declared war on it for no other reason then what they make in a year? Sounds pretty un-American to me.

The investments of this package do 3 things. It boosts popularity by those stead fast loyalist who already receive entitlement and feel their plight is the fault of others. It purchases the loyalty of the middleclass under the guise of short term assistance until things improve. It sets up a system so bloated and large the amount of resources required to maintain it exceed what we can afford and this will push the middleclass into the rank of the entitlement receivers. That will leave just the large companies and the rich to fund the rest. Of course the government counts on them staying where they are out of some sense that America at that time is still better then Dubai, China, Vietnam, Brazil, India, hell even Canada, Australia, and others. Not only will pay caps on top executives create brain drain in those companies, the top tier talent going where the pay and benefits match the work, class warfare and assaults on our elites will create wealth drain faster then the government can take it. Rich people are smart in one area and one area alone, retaining wealth. If they can’t do that here there is nothing preventing them from jumping ship. They employ the smartest people to manage their money, loyalty and nationalism only goes so far. Unlike France during their revolution, the world is smaller and easier to navigate in today. This year celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Other countries have blood soaked shifts of power or wealth throughout their recent histories too. The US, and to some extent Russia, do not operate this way. This war will not include poor peasants running into mansions and looting them, no that will be left up to the government. Tax increases, road blocks for investments and business operations, death taxes, luxury taxes, and the like. This war will backfire on the Democrats and cause a mass exodus where other countries will get the tax dollars we will miss. Then we all are left holding a very big and heavy bag. Remember that little war at the turn of the last century? They passed and implemented a ‘rich’ person tax to pay for that war, on telephones that at the time only rich people had, well, we still pay that tax today each month.

As I have stated earlier. Liberals tend to be very short sighted with their ideals. All this stuff looks like it was cooked up in the 1960’s and now has the chance to see the light of day, however over that time they never got past the ‘would it be radical and cool if we did “x” – never thinking through what would happen next or because of it. Those of us who are left will look around and wonder how it all happened, well this is it. Remember Mr. ‘it’s patriotic to pay taxes’ Bidden kept lowering his definition of rich from $250,000 household income to $200,000 and then to $150,000, well you should because it may have to go lower, meaning all those nice taxes above could be coming your way. That is how class warfare is conduced, full frontal assaults on the supply lines and resources used. It may be bloodless but the effects are just as devastating. Pelosi and Reid have rammed 40 years if unfilled X-mas wish lists into the first real legislation Obama will sign and doing so as to ‘not let a good crisis go to waste’, yep that sounds like this is on the up and up and we have all that hope of change and transparency happening here. Just as Wisconsin found out when their ‘tax Hell’ drove thousands of tax payers to Florida and Arizona (who were grateful in receiving new tax bases) and are now left with a $3 billion deficit, you can only tax so much before those getting taxed will leave. A strategy to take down ‘the man’ and stick it to ‘the rich’ is getting underway, power to the people and those ‘the man’ has held down for too long, we are with you brothers and sisters, our time has come, we will get all we deserve now, follow us to the promised land of equality, harmony, lollipops, unicorns, and chocolate rivers.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Betsy McCaughey Identifies the beginning of Amerikan Socialism

Welcome to the People's Republic of Americka. The United States of America is about to be heaped up on the scrap heap of wrongly named countries like the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. A republic is a form of government where representatives debate and present government issues for the people they represent. According to our leaders, Obama in particular, we are not allowed to debate, review, oversee, or even think about this legislation, the largest spending package in human history! Trust us they say, Pelosi raises her hand on CNN stating there is no pork, Obama states there is no pork, if they say it long enough then it must be true. Here in China the people only know what the government is doing after it is done, America seems to be doing the same thing now, pass it now and find out what is in there later. The doom and gloom has made it too urgent to review, and it has to be passed NOW! We no long have open debate, exchange of ideas, or moderation of extreme fringe philosophies from being forced on us moderates or nonbelievers. This stimulus bill has much more then pork, even if they changed the name of pork and ear marks and placed them in the bill in a way that does not fit the definition of ear marks. Two wrongs don't make a right, so stop saying that all the conservative ear marks over the past 8 years justifies this round, and while we are there, didn't Pelosi and the Dems have control of Congress for the past 4 years, making all the pork, waste, and stupidity passed by Congress their faults, thought so. Glad I am in China and getting orientated in how to live in a socialists and non-republic country, all hail dear leader Obama.

Bloomberg has an opinion column by Betsy McCaughey that outlines the takeover of our healthcare system by the government. This shifts the bad care we have today from HMO's to Government. Now some government body will dictate what treatment you get and when you get it. Get ready to stand in line for that operation. Ask people in Canada and Briton how well this works out for them. Oh, and how does socializing healthcare stimulate the economy, please enlighten me. Excerpts below.

Hospitals and doctors that are not “meaningful users” of the new system will face penalties. “Meaningful user” isn’t defined in the bill. That will be left to the HHS secretary, who will be empowered to impose “more stringent measures of meaningful use over time” (511, 518, 540-541)

What penalties will deter your doctor from going beyond the electronically delivered protocols when your condition is atypical or you need an experimental treatment? The vagueness is intentional. In his book, Daschle proposed an appointed body with vast powers to make the “tough” decisions elected politicians won’t make.

The stimulus bill does that, and calls it the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research (190-192). The goal, Daschle’s book explained, is to slow the development and use of new medications and technologies because they are driving up costs. He praises Europeans for being more willing to accept “hopeless diagnoses” and “forgo experimental treatments,” and he chastises Americans for expecting too much from the health-care system.

The stimulus bill will affect every part of health care, from medical and nursing education, to how patients are treated and how much hospitals get paid. The bill allocates more funding for this bureaucracy than for the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force combined (90-92, 174-177, 181).

Hiding health legislation in a stimulus bill is intentional. Daschle supported the Clinton administration’s health-care overhaul in 1994, and attributed its failure to debate and delay. A year ago, Daschle wrote that the next president should act quickly before critics mount an opposition. “If that means attaching a health-care plan to the federal budget, so be it,” he said. “The issue is too important to be stalled by Senate protocol.”

Again, I am not joking. This is gravely serious. Add this to the now $3 trillion total cost of the next wave of TARP, Stimulus bill, and new spending initiatives and how is this going to be paid for? Do you think taxes can cover this? We are all getting a tax cut according to the NICP, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid. So what is left, corporate taxes, windfall taxes, well in this economy you can count that out with double digit decline. The $3 trillion total spending will have to come from somewhere, $325 billion is paid for already, $850+ via taxes (stimulus bill), $1 trillion for freeing up credit markets by buying toxic paper that will have to be raised by selling American bonds to other countries, sovereign wealth funds, and private investors. Well, American investors have lost 50~70% of their worth in the current market downturn, and will be taxed more for it. China, Japan, Germany(number 2, 3, 4 economies in the world) and the EU have stated they can only purchase a few bonds and only of the stimulus legislation has NO protection measures in it, which in its current form it does not. So if only we can get them to buy this, which they don't want to, that still leaves $1 trillion for the spending our tax evading Treasury Secretary just outlined and caused the markets to sink 381 points in an hour! We will print it. Welcome to double digit inflation, meaning your $1 today will have about 0.90 or less depending on the inflation rate next year. Look at Mexico and Zimbabwe for insight on inflation. Just printing money to flood the market will overheat the economy to the point of creating inflation so bad it will make Japan's lost decade look like road bump compared to the Grand Canyon.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dems tip their hand in destroying the 1st Amendment

The left is now the establishment, the man, big brother. They are starting to institute their socialists agenda using the backdrop of the financial crisis as an excuse. Below is the beginning to their outright assault on the 1st Amendment, our right to speak freely without fear of government reprisal. It would be funny if it weren't true, see the proof below, this is not made up or a test or anything else then the cold sober truth of the possible beginning of the end. It is an attempt to shut down dissenting views clearing the forum of open debate and free flowing ideas via talk radio, at first, then setting up measures to control TV, press, and all forms and forums of communication labeling dissent as hate speech, all this led by the wife of a former radio executive who has had a hand in the failure of 3 radio networks who could not compete with conservative talk radio, very interesting.

A few links to read:
Corey Deitz - The Fairness Doctrine: Free Speech and the Radio Marketplace
Free Speech – n. "The right to express any opinion in public without censorship or restraint by the government." –
Lately, because of the dominant conservative tone of talk radio, there have been calls for a return to something referred to as "The Fairness Doctrine". In reality, it should have really been called the "Forced-Balance Doctrine". Unfortunately, freedom of speech is not necessarily about balance. Rather, freedom of speech is more often about imbalance – and how the strength of one or more opinions wins in the competitive court of public discourse.

Barbara Simpson - Beware unintended consequences
Michigan's Democrat Sen. Debbie Stabenow is the latest, and she makes no bones about it. She says "fairness" and "balance" on talk radio "is coming." She says the issue is "accountability."
She means the government will decide what can be said, where and by whom. She's not alone: Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Jess Bingaman and others are on board, too.

Debbie Stabenow and the Fairness Doctrine
According to the Politico, Senator Debbie Stabenow, Democrat of Michigan, is the latest politician who wants to rein in conservative talk radio by bringing back something called "The Fairness Doctrine."

WorldNetDaily - Another senator lines upbehind 'Fairness Doctrine'
Stabenow's husband, Tom Athans, was executive vice president of the left-leaning talk radio network Air America. He left the network in 2006, when it filed for bankruptcy, and co-founded the TalkUSA Radio Network.

Asked by Press if she could be counted on to push for hearings in the Senate this year "to bring these (radio station) owners in and hold them accountable," Stabenow replied: "I have already had some discussions with colleagues and, you know, I feel like that's gonna happen. Yep."

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mr. President, um, your shoes are untied… 5 day pledge evaporates

What other excuse can he, or his administration give for the first Major breakage of a campaign promise? Politicians sure do have an issue with the truth, promises, and doing what they pledge. Case in point; candidate Barack Obama’s pledge to have a five day public review of all non-vital legislation passed by Congress before he would sign it. President Barack Obama’s reality is completely the opposite in passing all legislation as soon as it passes Congress until the mid-term elections. The Democrats are scared that will be their reckoning day, and by the looks of it, it can’t come fast enough.

The below 3 images are screen captures that will illustrate the real issue for the liberals who will say I am making this issue up or that I am full of you know what, well here are the actual screen captures showing the reality and truth of our good President’s ability to keep his word and follow through on his campaign promises. You can do the same searches and find the same info, no doctored pictures here.

Google cashe reveals the page was up and did exist, just scraped for nowFive day review exists, Google found it and shows the results

Error 404, 5-day pledge does not exist?Follow the link and Oops, error 404 - WhiteHouse.Gov states that page does not exist…

Google search finds 6-day pledge

Follow the cashed link page and viola, the page DID exist and it WAS really there outlining the real pledge

Why, well if you listen to his Chief of Staff on the ‘not letting a good crisis go to waste’ mantra jumped on by Congress and used more then a turnstile at the NYC subway system during rush hour. Next look at the tone of the government from ‘hope and change’ to preaching ‘fear and blame’ the Democrats blamed the GOP of using on the campaign trail, though it is good enough to use to get all their special pet projects and special interest paybacks that fear is the only way to get the American people behind this ever ballooning stimulus package that is now over $910 billion.

The first 3 bills Obama signed and did not post for HIS own 5-day pledge; #1 Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (NEVER posted, signed in 2 days… 2 days!) signed 1/29/09, #2 State Children’s Health Insurance Program SCHIP (posted on the site for only 3.5 days posted Super Bowl Sunday afternoon, signed Wednesday morning) signed 2/4/09. The response by the White House…
White House spokesman Reid Cherlin: “During the campaign, the President committed to introducing more sunlight into the lawmaking process by posting non-emergency legislation online for five days before signing it. The President remains committed to bringing more transparency to government, and in this spirit the White House has posted legislation expected to come to the President’s desk online for comment.”

“We will be implementing this policy in full soon; currently we are working through implementation procedures and some initial issues with the congressional calendar. In the meantime, we will continue to post legislation on our website for comment as it moves through Congress over the next few weeks.”

So much for change we can believe in, I believe in what I see, results and actions, I leave faith to religion and spirituality only and not the realm of politics. Thus far Obama and Congress which from this point forward I will refer to the NICP or national insane clown posse, no office to the rap group to whom I do appreciate some of their works. Seeing the insanity that is going on over there in DC it is unbelievable they are going to get this pork laden, earmarked from hell, lobbyist and political payback bill pushed through straddling America with massive national debt and increasing our deficit to two or three times that of the last 8 years. Oh, and I can’t accept Barack’s EXCUSE of it was handed to him neatly packed and in a bow on day one, how pathetic is that? Leaders lead, not lie, cheat, talk out of both sides of their mouths and they sure as hell don’t go around laying blame and making excuses for it when the situation starts to turn on them. Every day this package is not passes is more time we get to peak inside and see how much more pork we can find, and thus far there has been enough to last our national food assistance program for years to come.

Why am I pessimistic about the current American government?

I am finding it impossible to keep the silence any longer folks, seriously. The state of our current government is eroding faster then cotton candy in my daughter’s mouth. If I do not criticize and condemn the insanity in my nation’s capital I am not a true American. I can no longer sit by and keep quiet while the far left Democratic Party runs my nation into her worst possible place in history. Yes I believe that is what is really going on here. How in my right mind can I say this and post it on the internet for all to see?

Joe Biden, on the campaign trail in September 2008, stated and lauded it is “patriotic to pay taxes” yet the administration he is a leading member of has had 4 people, nominated either withdraw or thoroughly embarrass the President for their failures to pay taxes to the tune of forcing the President to make a public apology for his “failures” and promise “to not screw up again”. So far we have:

  • Tom Daschle -`HHS Secretary – withdraw for not paying $146,000 in back taxes
  • Nancy Killefer -`Chief Government Performance Officer – withdraw for not paying federal employee taxes of $900 for her nanny
  • Timothy Geithner -`Treasury Secretary – confirmed despite not paying $34,000 in back taxes for work at the International Monetary Fund
  • Hilda Solis -`Labor Secretary – confirmation stalled due to husband’s failure to pay taxes and a lean taken on their home, and all this is just the taxes part

According to Biden the president is appointing some very unpatriotic people to key positions in the government. The math adds up to $180,900 of tax revenue not recovered for years, good thing Geithner is head of the IRS now, he can sweep it all under the carpet (yes I know all the taxes have been paid in full by now). Add this to the President’s “new era of responsibility” pledge and the collapse of:

  • Bill Richardson Commerce Secretary – withdraw over pay-for-play investigation
  • William Lynn Deputy Defense Secretary – confirmed despite failing Obama’s own anti-lobbyist policy against former Pentagon workers who become lobbyists from working for him in 2 years time (Obama granted him a special waiver so its all good now)

It seems that shutting the "...revolving door that lets lobbyists come into the government freely" thing was just another campaign trail promise the leader of 'hope and change' will not be delivering on. And all this is just with the Executive branch!

Below is a shinning example of why the lunatics are running the asylum over at the Legislative branch. Remember my old friend Non-stop Nancy. Well Madam Speaker is not only trying to instill fear and hate they way she and her ilk accused the GOP of doing during the campaign, she is trying to win the award for largest government employed idiot of the year with her actions since January 1st! First Pelosi pledges the, then $700 billion, stimulus package will contain absolutely no 'pork', 'ear marks', or ‘bridges to nowhere’ in a January 12th CNN interview with Wolfe Blitzer. We all know how much pork has been uncovered thus far in this now $900+ billion stimulus package. The past week on ABC television Pelosi had to break the ‘no pork’ pledge by defending the ear marked hundreds of millions of tax payer funds for birth control claiming it will stimulate the economy… is this like saying, you know, like if people don’t have kids then they will, you known, have more money to spend money of stuff, or is she stating that all these poor people across the Bay of her home district of San Francisco, Oakland, are sapping too much tax payer money with WIC and healthcare costs? Let’s not forget what came out of the other side of her mouth last month with her crowning achievement of Expanded Child Healthcare. If she believes in the government handing out birth control, why did she insist on the child healthcare bill, aka SCHIP, and why is she praising it so much? Seems she was against federal birth control before she was for it, sorry John but the shoe fits.

See what I mean, insanity. Add this to her and Joe Biden learning to count from the same place. Joe things there are only 3 letters in the word ‘jobs’ and now Non-stop Nancy has stated that every month that goes by America loses 500 million jobs (she has stated this figure twice now, count that, 2 times Joe). Seeing America only has 308 million people we are all losing our second and third jobs now! The stimulus package keeps growing, from 700 billion, to 800 billion to now 900 billion. Why are the Democrats so despite to demand this thing be passed now, immediately, post haste? Why is the Speaker of the House, third in line to be President, not getting grilled in the media for her math, blatant contradictions, and inability to digest and use government provided figures the way Dan Quale, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin and other GOP officials were? There is a multi-layers snow job going on here and it is trying to cover up a whole slew of things. Dems want to scare the American people the same way they accused McCain/Palin of doing all the way up to November. They want to scare us so bad we pass legislature that will line their pockets, cement their re-elections, and push their socialists and Marxist agenda to the point of budding. They don’t want people to have time to poke into the bill, that is why we are all losing 2 jobs this month for every man, woman, and child in our country!

They are using the politics of fear and panic to pass their agenda, yet they claimed that is what the GOP did with all the things done post 9/11, hypocrites the whole lot of them! Add in the ‘turn that frown upside down’ air Pelosi and her counterpart Harry Reid have with their support of and adoption of Rahm Emanuel (Obama’s Chief of Staff) quote “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. What I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before. This is an opportunity.” That is what this is folks. The Dems are worse then a stampede of bulls in a china shop, they are beyond insanity with their spending and beliefs that government is the solution to all our problems. Strap in and hold your breath, the next 4 years are going to be a lulu! Enjoy the show!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Buy American - Testing cooler heads and resolve as the insanity train keeps on rolling

It’s nice to see how so many highly positioned people in the American government are so clueless about how the modern world and its interconnected economies operate that they can start a storm in a tea cup. Senator Byron Dorgan D-ND and Rep Peter Visclosky D-IN both have sparked off an international debate that could well lead to a series of counterproductive nationalistic measures with their “Buy American” clause in the now $900 billion (and growing) US stimulus package. This has a real potential to slowing down global recovery and sending our current trading partners into stalled wheel spinning situation and possibly worse. President Obama is beginning to pull out the John Kerry style answers and flip flopping on the issue by endorsing it, remaining silent, and now weakly opposing it.

Senator Dorgan backtracked in USA Today and tried to explain himself more clearly, little good that did as the EU, Canada, Brazil, China, India, and others have all began to line up countermeasures and their own punishments against American if the already passed House bill passes the Senate and Obama signs it as is, and they all are strongly warning against it. Well Mr. Dorgan, I hope you are proud of yourself because the perception in the world is you are instituting protectionism policy and we all know perception is reality in the real world and not fantasy lefty bazaaro world where most liberal politicians live (exhibit 1 and 2, Pelosi and Reid). Their strong reactions all state clearly that these measures will not be taken lightly or sitting down but will be answered with action, so even if they are not intended to do such, thanks for the party Mr. Senator because you got it going on now!

Let’s look at what we can about the facts first. The passage in question is stated by its author as specifying that "if American tax dollars are used for construction or infrastructure work then domestically produced and manufactured goods need to be considered and used when all possible”, paraphrased of course. If you want to see how effective this is talk to the tax payers in San Francisco who funded a massive bridge repair and used similar policies and were fleeced out of $400 million that could have been used to fund any number of cockamamie liberal leftwing-nut ideas America’s most liberal city has. The state of California could sure use that $400 million now with their budget crisis, the worst of all 50 states! Reality is sure a bitch when it falls out of sync with ideal liberalism day dreams these rulling Democrats have. Sure the use of the steel in the bridge refitting project employed American steel workers, rail workers, and truckers, but how good of a deal was it?

The liberal Democrats are tripping all over themselves in Washington DC now trying to ‘save the day’ by nationalizing this or that, and spend spend spend our way out of the crisis so as to ‘not let a good crisis go to waste’. This particular buy American measure is just another shinning example of short sighted, illogical, out of touch with reality, (and in the pocket of lobbyist, special interest groups, and trade unions as well as how ignorant to how modern economies operate) these people passing our laws really are. Where is the ‘Hope and Change’? From here the government is being steered by the campaign contributors and special interest groups who funded the current lot of super liberals we have in power now instead of the ‘open, transparent, and accountable’ government we were all promised last fall. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction; politics is not exempt.

America, over the past 20 years, has made many trade pacts, treaties, and alliances we can not just back out of now, or afford to if we could. During this time the world has changed, modernized, and begun to raise in wealth, influence, and power. Europe has consolidated currencies and formed a super trade group we can not ignore. Emerging markets and rouge nations are exploiting their natural resources to fund expansion and projects we just don't want to see fulfilled. Our old enemies are striking allegiances to rebuild their power and they would love to see us crippled and isolated economically through this. We live in a global economy, period. Trying to turn back the clock now will disrupt the entire balance and spark off conflicts, digressions, and problems we really can not afford to see happen.

The benefactors of this buy American clause will be few and far between the much lauded 20,000 daily unemployed people Dorgan mentioned. Politicians may be many things, ignorant and stupid among them, but one thing they really know how to do and do well is to lie and manipulate those who elected them so smoothly it seems natural. Buy American and keep jobs here to help our people, they proclaim loudly. Sure, if Americans wanted to and could afford American made goods. Now this is the distracter they use to get deaf, dumb, and blind sheep of the masses to follow them. Their measure is mainly for the steel, concrete pre-fabrication, and construction industries. A real hard look at the jobs saved, created, and impact on the nation as a whole spells out the total opposite, net job loss!

How many of the 20,000 a day newly unemployed people can readily go to work in one of these fields today? 1,000, 500, 100? Steel workers are unionized, you have to join the union to get the job, and that could take years to go through plus the hassle of staying in a union. Concrete, its hard and dirty work, been there and done that and nearly ended up in the hospital for it. Construction, again mostly unionized, and they tightly limit the access to card carrying members only. So what jobs can be saved and how many real jobs can be created by this? How about saving this stimulus of tax payer money to put real SUSTAINABLE projects together? All the pork in this every expanding stimulus package is giving all us Americans high cholesterol and blood pressure and not a real long term survivability plan. Saving 5,000 steel jobs over the next year is great, but what about when the stimulus funds and programs run out? These steel workers will be on the unemployment lines then and have just delayed their fate by a few months. I keep saying it again and again, we can not compete with emerging markets cheap labor! Stop trying, instead shift the work force into a more highly trained, skilled, and educated one that can lead the world with new technologies, innovations, and specialties that emerging markets can’t! Stop clinging to the ways of the 20th century! Wasn’t this election about looking forward and not backward, oh sorry wrong party and candidate.

What are the pitfalls of this folly of protectionism? Domestic downturn as tax dollars are wasted and run out faster, unemployment is only staved off until demand runs dry when the projects are completed, goods made from these sectors will increase in price and production time as oversea supplies collapse as trade reprisals and spats escalate, WTO legal action, US based companies like GE (50% of their work comes from overseas contracts) Caterpillar, AIG, BoA, Met Life, Goodyear, etc. all loose market share and profits as oversea work erodes or goes away completely, allied trade partners break alliances and begin trading with the EU, rouge nations, or worse our enemies therefore strengthening opposition to American products, goods, and reputation abroad, America’s image as a fair and friendly nation, America’s reputation as a friend to emerging markets and supporter of human rights, numerous devastating and destabilizing humanitarian crisis as foreign economies weaken more and unemployment takes root in nations who just recently clawed their way out of poverty, oh, that is all I can think of off the top of my head.

The truth is the reaction to this action would be bad for not only America but for the world in the long term. The media is now pouncing on this as stupidity, LA Times, NY Times, Wall Street Journal, and others all state this would set off global trade wars that could put is into worse economic climates for the foreseeable future. The independent Peterson Institute for International Economics has stated in a published review this week of the measure that is will cost America more jobs then it saves in the short term! Now Obama can smell the political decay of those backing the measure and is getting an earful from Canada, Briton, the EU, Brazil, China, and others that if this happens they will act, act swiftly, and act decisively to protect their own interests against America and he his scared of being part of it. In an ABC interview this week President Obama stated “I think that would be a mistake right now. That is a potential source of trade wars that we can’t afford at a time when trade is sinking all across the globe.”

Buy American was a great idea in the 1990’s, but we consumers laughed at it all the way to the bank as we passed up over priced union made goods for cheap labor foreign produced goods. Well, that was almost 20 years ago and we can’t reverse course now. In the light of the crisis we are in, if we tried to force the country or even cities to buy American then prices, inflation, and taxes would have to rise to such a degree Mexico would look at us with pity and shake their heads in dismay. Just as the times of that Great Depression saw the end of the agriculture age in American as farmers flooded cities for work and jobs, the paradigm is shifting again. Instead of fighting it we need to embrace it, learn from the mistakes of the past and put the majority of our current manufacturing sector into history where it belongs. Spend stimulus funds on re-education, high-tech job training, and American unique job sectors instead of extending unemployment, pork barrel pet projects that will only lead to higher taxes to sustain after the stimulus money is gone. Spend the money on modernizing our education and medical sectors so we can compete with superior education systems in China, Japan, India, and other nations who have passed us up on reading, science, and math and STOP dumbing down education because you think inner-city youth are not as smart. Yes, we need help now, but we need the right kind of help, not the kind that postpones the pain for 6 months to a year. Use the money to push the country into a new era, a 21st century era, an era where we can dominate and excel, not scrape by and follow the same path we have for the last 90 years because that is not progress, that is stagnation.

Typical of liberal leftwing thinking, they are putting the cart before the horse and not thinking beyond their current Senate or House terms to the long range impact and message this measure would make to the world. They are being bullied by their union cronies, lobbyist financiers, and fellow crackpots who can only think up good ideas while stoned, drunk, or half asleep in their vacation homes or cocktail parties. The world is much smaller then it was in 1930, 1980, 1990, or 2000. The cold hard reality is China is the largest holder of US currency, debt, and the only country who can and is willing to look at buying enough treasury bonds to keep the Pelosi’s, Reid’s, and Obama’s of the Democratic party in a job and our country from falling apart. The cold hard truth is that our national security and survival depends on the existing trade alliances we have and keeping them strong enough to withstand the temptation of our trade partners from making our enemies richer and more powerful.

We Americans have been the richest and most powerful nation on the planet for 60 years and we are the example for emerging countries. Our actions are felt far beyond our borders as this present economic mess painfully demonstrates. If we begin to turn our back on the world now, and doing this will signal that we are doing so, then we can expect to lose the small shred of credibility we have left and Mr. Obama and the liberals ran their campaign’s on the mantra of restoring our place in the world to a respectable and honorable nation, protectionism and perceived protectionism policies will accomplish just the opposite, we will look like spoiled brat, pick up our toys and go home when upset, children that we are.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

January Rant of the Month - Looking Forward to...

What a start to a new year. Due to Chinese New Year, the year of the Ox and marking the year 4707 by some Chinese Calendars, My January thoughts have had to be postponed until February and I do not have the time to get off weekly rants anymore so I am changing formats to a monthly rant instead. So without further ado here is my overview or rant for January 2009.

Israel and Hamas’ war in Gaza spilled over into most of January starting Dec 27th with the expiration of a peace treaty meant to work towards a political solution. International condemnation and opinion rose against Israel as Hamas got nearly a free pass for poking Israel in the eye with continued military strikes against the Israeli military and civilians alike with rockets and bombs. The situation kept deteriorating until Israel got tired of beating a dead horse and Hamas leaders were too well hidden to inflict any more damage against. What was the outcome? Hamas declared victory by surviving, Israel looks like a bully and we are right back at where we were in the region before the military actions happened. This broken record (or should I say scratched CD?) cycle has been going on for decades now and until both parties are forced into a real compromise situation nothing will ever happen to achieve a lasting and viable peace. Neither side is flexible enough to reach a middle ground due to civilization norms of the region. Compromise is seen as weakness and if you are weak you are a target and then you are destroyed. Some have stated this was a proxy war between the US and Iran. If so it accomplished nothing, except for the death of hundreds and the destruction, and devastation of tens of thousands of people’s homes and livelihoods. For what? Do the Palestinians really want to live in peace with Israel? Do the Israelis really want to see a 2 state solution implemented splitting Jerusalem and other sacred sites? Without Egypt, Syria, Iran, and others weighing in and pushing and accepting concessions then nothing will ever happen. The situation will not change until it is forced to by some major catalyst. Terrorism needs to stop, on both sides, and peace is not in either of their vocabularies at this time.

The Democrats promised us change and a New Way during their campaign for president. Change was the mantra chanted feverously by the media and supporters as if they were devoted Buddhist monks during a ritual. Well here we are. Obama’s beginnings are more contentious then any President’s in my memory, and that goes back to President Ford, 6 presidents past. From the goings on over who would fill his vacant Senate seat, eventually filled by the order of a corrupt governor recently impeached, to the withdrawal of a key Cabinet post by New Mexico governor Bill Richardson for a pay-for-play scandal all of this was just the beginning to what has led into a slew of follies over his much touted litmus test and vetting process to ensure we had a bi-partisan and respectable government to replace the evil Bush years. Treasurer and now Health and Human Services Secretaries failure to disclose their not paying taxes and seemingly free ride by Congress and the press into office. Secretary of State’s confirmation had only 2 opposition votes despite her husband’s organization receiving monies and access to the former president Bill Clinton by enemies of the state and rivals in many different aspects to America’s interests abroad. A NASA selection who the space community states knows little to nothing about space exploration. Closed door private meetings over the largest government bailout and financial offering in national history that has led to a massive pork laden and crippling $825 billion package. Well, you get my drift? Where is the transparency, the accountability, the signal of a new way of doing politics and new government we can be proud of? The only change we have seen is from a Bush administration to a rehashed Clinton one with stark contrasts to accountability and honesty everywhere you look. Obama has strutted green energies and global impact climate change initiatives while caught on film working in a 74 degree White House with his sleeves rolled up because he likes to work in a warm office. Contrast this against his first media interview as president, with an Arab television network, and the only Change I can see is going from the frying pan straight into the fire! I am seeing lots of change but little hope in all of this and all I can do is shake my head and say I told you so.

Home foreclosure is up 81% or 1 in 54 homes in America according to USA Today. That is 2.3 million homes sitting vacant because the people who mortgaged them owed more then they were worth and got too far behind on payments for the banks to keep the farce alive. How is pumping $350 billion back into the banking system going to reverse this trend when the first $350 billion didn’t thaw the frozen credit situation? Oh, because Obama is doing it and not Bush and because Obama will attach more strings to the money… I will believe it when I see it. The cold hard reality is we, the American people, will have to pay for it with tax dollars and loss of services in other programs. Oh, wait no, because Obama brokered a deal to pump in an additional $825 billion in stimulus while not raising taxes and giving money to people who don’t pay taxes in the first place and inflating our already bloated national debt to double its war time levels. Trillion dollar deficits are only going to work if foreign countries continue to buy our bonds and fund our governmental spending spree… oh wait, the rest of the planet is in a recession now and all the currencies are falling against the dollar which is falling as well. Keep printing money and we will end up like Mexico and Zimbabwe, with currencies so inflated it has to keep issuing higher denominations to keep up with prices. Home properties values have to fall, tax assessments on those properties have to fall, people have to have jobs to afford homes again. ACORN and HUD need to stop pushing people with unstable lifestyles into homes just as people need to trim their lifestyles and live within their means and paychecks. Homes are not ATM machines and flipping a property should not be a way to generate income. The real problem needs addressing, not money thrown its way. Our credit and business sector is sick, let the decaying flesh fall off and rot. You can't right a top heavy ship if capsized until all the weight on the top is cut loose or breaks away naturally else the entire ship is lost. This stimulus package is a huge mistake and acting just to act is shortsighted and ludicrous and we will be funding this for generations to come, all because of political vision and ambition.

China is now the #3 economy in the world. 2008 was a HUGE year for China. Started out a little rocky and had a few bumps mid way but finished strong and resounding. With a strong 8% growth resulting in $3.38 trillion GDP China grew $5 billion in 2008 and surpassed the receding Germany by 13% points and is poised to take over #2 Japan if they slip further into negative territory. Japan has seen 2008 go with a $4.38 trillion GDP that shrank 1.3% and on the verge of losing more as their production falls with everyone else’s. Even the EU receded with a combined GDP down 0.6%, thanks to a fuel crisis and economic stagnation fed by decades of socialists policies and population unproductively (Please, please, please Obama, Pelosi, and Reid see this and wake up!!!!). China is still far from producing the US $13.8 trillion GDP, but with a 2.8% loss over the past year and continued recession of our economy China will be much closer. Of course China has shed 20 million factory jobs and hundreds of thousands of factories and the 8% growth is the lowest and first single digit growth China has seen in over a decade compare that to everyone else who saw GDP shrink over the past year and you will see China is closing ground FAST. At #3 China commands much more power and respect on the world economic stage and believe me, they will use it. Like it or not China is the future and the key to economic survival in this new world. The only real concern, domestic issues caused by inflation, real-estate bubbles, unemployment, rapid changes all threaten China’s internal stability and if that cracks, well the ball game is over folks. Per capita spending in China is only $2,500 per year, compared to Germany at $40,400 so you can see the potential for problems and exploitation if the China card is played correctly and intelligently with long term goals built in.

Thank goodness the inauguration is over. Wall to wall coverage must have been as nauseating as CNN’s New Year’s Eve coverage. Glad I am in communists China where they protect their citizens from such pronography in all the media outlets (yes they did censor Obama's speech and cut out the parts they did not like). Sure history was made and yes it is important to cover but just one last tidbit of perspective before I go. Does anyone else get an whiff of Germany in the 1930’s, Korea in the 1050’s China in the 1940’s or Russia in the 1910’s over all the hubbub we had to witness since November? I am just checking because when a leader is lauded and fawned over so much as Obama has been and is touted as the savior and answer to all our ills in such a fashion I see tinges of a false profit or despot on the rise in the same ways as happened in all the examples above. America was built off of debate, conflict, strife, and compromise. Not one party majority or defacto acceptance of a single clear path to salvation. I am a skeptic by nature, educated by years of hard work, and conservative by choice. I am not implying anything beyond an eerie trend running in parallel between peoples wanting to believe in something so much they made a historic mistake that change the world we live in forever and the the pushing of a direction onto us all by those who want to run things their way after a decade of having to abide by an opposite philosphy. Death and oppression have one thing in common, they both come to us like a thief in the night, unexpected and unplanned for and without vigilance and foresight we can not expect to escape.