Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mr. President, um, your shoes are untied… 5 day pledge evaporates

What other excuse can he, or his administration give for the first Major breakage of a campaign promise? Politicians sure do have an issue with the truth, promises, and doing what they pledge. Case in point; candidate Barack Obama’s pledge to have a five day public review of all non-vital legislation passed by Congress before he would sign it. President Barack Obama’s reality is completely the opposite in passing all legislation as soon as it passes Congress until the mid-term elections. The Democrats are scared that will be their reckoning day, and by the looks of it, it can’t come fast enough.

The below 3 images are screen captures that will illustrate the real issue for the liberals who will say I am making this issue up or that I am full of you know what, well here are the actual screen captures showing the reality and truth of our good President’s ability to keep his word and follow through on his campaign promises. You can do the same searches and find the same info, no doctored pictures here.

Google cashe reveals the page was up and did exist, just scraped for nowFive day review exists, Google found it and shows the results

Error 404, 5-day pledge does not exist?Follow the link and Oops, error 404 - WhiteHouse.Gov states that page does not exist…

Google search finds 6-day pledge

Follow the cashed link page and viola, the page DID exist and it WAS really there outlining the real pledge

Why, well if you listen to his Chief of Staff on the ‘not letting a good crisis go to waste’ mantra jumped on by Congress and used more then a turnstile at the NYC subway system during rush hour. Next look at the tone of the government from ‘hope and change’ to preaching ‘fear and blame’ the Democrats blamed the GOP of using on the campaign trail, though it is good enough to use to get all their special pet projects and special interest paybacks that fear is the only way to get the American people behind this ever ballooning stimulus package that is now over $910 billion.

The first 3 bills Obama signed and did not post for HIS own 5-day pledge; #1 Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (NEVER posted, signed in 2 days… 2 days!) signed 1/29/09, #2 State Children’s Health Insurance Program SCHIP (posted on the site for only 3.5 days posted Super Bowl Sunday afternoon, signed Wednesday morning) signed 2/4/09. The response by the White House…
White House spokesman Reid Cherlin: “During the campaign, the President committed to introducing more sunlight into the lawmaking process by posting non-emergency legislation online for five days before signing it. The President remains committed to bringing more transparency to government, and in this spirit the White House has posted legislation expected to come to the President’s desk online for comment.”

“We will be implementing this policy in full soon; currently we are working through implementation procedures and some initial issues with the congressional calendar. In the meantime, we will continue to post legislation on our website for comment as it moves through Congress over the next few weeks.”

So much for change we can believe in, I believe in what I see, results and actions, I leave faith to religion and spirituality only and not the realm of politics. Thus far Obama and Congress which from this point forward I will refer to the NICP or national insane clown posse, no office to the rap group to whom I do appreciate some of their works. Seeing the insanity that is going on over there in DC it is unbelievable they are going to get this pork laden, earmarked from hell, lobbyist and political payback bill pushed through straddling America with massive national debt and increasing our deficit to two or three times that of the last 8 years. Oh, and I can’t accept Barack’s EXCUSE of it was handed to him neatly packed and in a bow on day one, how pathetic is that? Leaders lead, not lie, cheat, talk out of both sides of their mouths and they sure as hell don’t go around laying blame and making excuses for it when the situation starts to turn on them. Every day this package is not passes is more time we get to peak inside and see how much more pork we can find, and thus far there has been enough to last our national food assistance program for years to come.

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