Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Associated Press: Report: US is ripe for recruiting by extremists

By EILEEN SULLIVAN – 14 April 2009
WASHINGTON (AP) — Homeland Security officials are warning that right-wing
extremists could use the bad state of the U.S. economy and the election of the
country's first black president to recruit members to their cause.

In an intelligence assessment issued to law enforcement last week,
Homeland Security officials said there was no specific information about an
attack in the works by right-wing extremists.
The agency warns that an
extended economic downturn with real estate foreclosures, unemployment and an
inability to obtain credit could foster an environment for extremists to recruit
members who may not have been supportive of these causes in the past.

Homeland Security spokesman Sean Smith said the report is one in a series
of assessments issued by the agency's intelligence and analysis unit. The agency
describes these assessments as part of a series published "to facilitate a
greater understanding of the phenomenon of violent radicalization in the United

In February, the department issued a report to law enforcement that said
left-wing extremist groups were likely to use cyber attacks more often in the
next 10 years to further their cause. And in September, the agency issued a
report that highlighted how right-wing extremists over the past five years have
used the immigration debate as a recruiting tool.

And so it begins... Our new Socialist People's Republic of America, lead by Marxists Pelosi, Ried, Frank, and out teleprompter and blunder in chief Obama have put together such a team that is galvanizing power and using their slobbering love affair in the US main steam media to push the country into a new Cuba or old China. Many of you may believe I have fallen off the deep end, drank too much kool-aid, or become so narrow minded and jaded that my views have narrowed to tunnel like fashion seeing only what I want to see. I really wish this were the case. I really wish this were so. I really wish I have become disillusioned and hardened so much that I was seeing things that were not there, the sad truth is that it is not the case. Our liberties, values, and freedoms are under attack now more then they were in the 1700's.

This Department of Homeland Security Report is 8 pages of paranoid, disorganized, and fear mongering drivel I have ever seen come out of our federal government (excluding cover and back page). On the week before massive conservative rallies to voice dissatisfaction and dissent in our leader's passage of massive spending, taxation, and expansion of government that would make Stalin, Mao, and Castro proud. The conservative movement is becoming mobilized and doing so successfully. The conservatives may now finally shed the yoke of the GOP and reshape or form a new party that is more accessible, tolerant of different views but similar ideals, and modernized. But in the light of our movement's reshaping we see the government becoming increasingly paranoid and initiating measures we have seen in previous countries slip into turmoil. Janet Napolitano seems to be laying out battle plans to offset the rising tide of conservative concerns the freedoms, securities, and rights we have enjoyed since 1776 are being eroded, sold, and buried under expanding government and tax burdens.

What is scary is that of all the left wing's noise and left slanted media coverage of the Patriot Act, warrantless wire taps, and excessive executive powers there is slightly a peep of noise over the potential restriction of freedoms suggested of this document. Why? The left only is concerned when 'their' freedoms are questioned, they seem to forget most of us conservatives were worried by these issues as well and voiced our opposition but they care not return the favor. Only the Rolling Stone reporter Tim Dickinson states the report "... is beyond sloppy. It irresponsibly conflates murderous hate-crime-committing white supremacists and homegrown terrorists like Timothy McVeigh with run of the mill right-wingers who, God love ‘em, have every right to vehemently oppose the federal government, abortion, and immigration." is the only voice of concern from the left since the April 7th publication of the report and its immediate release by conservative media outlets, 8 days of little to no coverage, why, because the left only cares about their rights, not the rights of Americans. Seems the ACLU should change their name to the DCLU.

American Legion's national commander David K. Rehbein, an Army veteran, so outraged that he had to send an open letter to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano explaining the obvious errors and dangers of using such a broad brush to paint a picture of 'right wing extremists' and suggest law enforcement needing to keep an eye on all right-wing minded individuals for possibility of domestic terrorist actions. As a conservative minded US Navy vet who owns and loves guns, believes in God, and holds strong Libertarian views I feel as though I am now an enemy of the state. The rights of assembly, politically opposition speech, and demands for access to their leaders and to let them know they represent more then just the left wing agenda of their party's affiliation seem to all be enemies of the state as well. Meanwhile the knights and warriors of free speech and demonstrations are curiously absent and silent over these reports. All the media can muster is to point out that the DHS had released a left wing extremist paper in January, that report only outlines the far left wings intent to use computers and computer systems to attack, or use environmental terrorism to mark their goals, all with the minimal of violence. That paper does not stoke the fires of worry and fear that this one does. It seems we were never invited to this free speech party, and are not welcome to use its themes and messages.

If you want to wage war there are a few things you have to accomplish before any actions begin. Define, demonize, and marginalize the enemy is one of them. Establish a propaganda campaign to achieve the messages needed to muster and keep support. According to DHS "Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration." So right wing extremists are in 2 camps, hate groups (right to life, defending religious inclusion in our society and lives, and anti illegal immigration groups) and antigovernment (concerned increasing sizes of government, increasing aid programs, increasing federal taxes and deficit spending). How is it that the obviously broken system of immigration control in our country and voicing concerns on it and fleshing out their views in public debate is now a right wing extremist lumped in with skinheads and the KKK? I and my fellow conservative minded Americans are NOT anti-government, we aganist the ideals and principles of: taxation without representation, ram-rodding extreme liberal agenda legislation without public debate and review, our government representatives ignoring and marginalizing 50% of the country with a first grader's attitude of 'nanny nanny boo boo your side lost so there, deal with it', the total whoring out of our security and future to the Chinese and others just so we can pass measuers, budgets, and plans that have been brewing for 40 years in the rotten minds of people like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Ron Frank, and mostly we are concerned the MOST over an irresposible use of and abuse of power demonstrated in our government since November. No we are not anti-government, we want the government to work and to reflect on the ideals and values of the Constitution that guides it, not seeing the government try to reshape the Constitution into a bastardized rellic by plunging the country into Socialism.

The report states that the economy will help extremists recruit vets who are returning and not able to find satisfaction upon return to the country. Maybe if we didn’t try to spend our way out of debt, signal they want to get rid of guns, and vilify the military the left would not have to worry about vets. Maybe if the left were not trying to pass 40 years of legislation and socialization in 2 years then they would not have to worry about antigovernment sentiment. And as for lack of federal government control, that is what this country was founded on, and our states are sovereign, that is why they all have their own constitutions and we have state's rights in our constitution. As for immigration, we all know we need to do more, and more quickly. We need to open debate on this, and all issues for that matter, because the government is about finding a way forward through debate, not being dictated to by an intellectual elite isolated in Washington and feeling the masses are too ignorant and disinterested to have a voice in this government. This document only helps to paint and increasingly bleak picture of where the country is sliding into, socialism here we come! After 3 years in China I am getting pretty good at living in a totalitarian country. All hail Obama. Pelosi 2016!

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