Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Talking about: "Natural forces stalling global warming, UWM pair say" - JSOnline

Today I was amazed to learn my alma mater, UW-Milwaukee, is beginning to make the news over a very controversial publication in a scientific journal. In the late February edition of Geophysical Research Letters and later picked up by Discovery Channel News but has just now began to get circulated on major news outlets. So why am I bringing this up, and it is not to shamefully plug my far left-wing university? The paper, titled “Has Climate Recently Shifted?” authored by Kyle Swanson and Anastasios Tsonis. The research paper, if you care to read it, outlines how the climate temperatures of the past decade mathematically indicate the planet is actually cooling, not warming as Al Gore and the rest of the global warming, I mean climate change, crowd insist. Now these two are not trying to debunk or disprove climate change, to the contrary they are stating their findings only state the climate is equalizing now, but their mathematical models do explain what I and many others have been stating for the past 5 years, the Earth heats and cools naturally and human intervention most likely has little impact on this, i.e. age of dinosaurs being tropic, ice age being, well, ice.

Before some of the radical left try to skewer these two please note this. They have been published 11 times since 2007 and referenced numerous times in citations, very important in advancing in the academic world. They used a complex advanced mathematical model called synchronized chaos which has been under study since the 1970’s, of course scientists then believed we were entering another ice age too. This pair has been working on and publishing papers on this since 2007 and their research is funded by the National Science Foundation and cited by major science publication organizations. The pair has not anticipated being drawn into the eye of the storm of climate change debate however. Their findings are based on sound and proven techniques and show that global warming peaked and waned at the turn of the century and we are now in a state of cooling as the oceans and atmosphere are equalizing.

While it is true there are glaciers retreating and breaking off into the oceans, sea levels are rising, and we need to better use our energy resources and stop depending on technology of 100 years ago we also neet to look for better ways to fuel out energy needs (use more nuclear power), this much is true and observed. However the science behind Gore’s Nobel Prize winning fiction piece and other’s distorted views colored by mass media agenda driven propaganda is not 100% clear. The debate is not over. We have seen divesting cold winters for the past 3 years in Asia, Europe, and North America with documented falling temperatures globally since 2005. Yes we need to change, but as I have stated before, we should not presume to be so arrogant as to believe our existence on this planet can actually destroy the climate. Science is proving the climate has changed radically and for unknown reasons in the past. Pole shifts, ash clouds, mass floods, expanding and contracting deserts, yo-yoing ocean levels, all of this happens every few thousand years. We have only just begun to record climate for the what, 200 years at best? The model the two authors use accurately tracks the temperatures of the last 100 years and clearly points out the current seen phenomena of global cooling and predicts continued cooling followed by another cycle of warming.

These two took some of the same classes I took at UWM. I know the professor who explained that all this global warming talk is premature until we can understand the effect of our axis wobble, planet wobble, orbit wobble, and sun’s expansion, contraction, and solar storms on our climate and track it for long enough to predict it, at least 3 full cycles (about 30,000 years). The core ice samples, sandstone layers, peat bog cores, are all good but they do not paint a complete picture. This study is not complete either, but it goes a long way in stating what many of us have been saying but were ignored and shouted down by the main stream media, global warming, I mean climate change, is sexy, normal weather patterns is not. Those taking advantage of and pushing the hysteria are left wing fruit cakes hell bent on destroying our current society (based on manufactoring, fossil fuels, plastics, and anything produced since the 1800's). Their agenda is clear, fear and loathing, and those buying into it need to sit down and seriously look at the facts, not the science fiction.

So now the major press is getting wind of this story, Wisconsin is all abuzz about it and scientists who want to prove the case with science and facts before crying wolf are going to ensure this message gets out. So before we get all huffy and puffy about this and draw lines in the sand, we need to make sure what is what and what isn’t. Yes we need to pollute less, yes we need to use less electricity (hang clothes out the window like here in China and not use dryers), yes Earth Hour this weekend is important (I am participating), and yes we need to develop better and more efficient energy production and transmission, but we don’t need to cause a panic to push a hair brain agenda that is not proven and based off of incomplete science. The reason for the fear and hype is to get the public at large to support the destruction of industrialzation and set back social development thousands of years. Odds are Yellowstone will blow its top and plunge half the world into a ‘nuclear winter’ before we kill off all the ocean fish and foliage on the planet with our carbon emmissions. People for the most part are basing 99% of their opinions on emotional propaganda produced by ratings driven mass media and agenda driven left-wing idealists who are now taking over America. Real science strips emotion out of the process and used facts, logic, and math to show the reality of it all. Lets finish the science before we go back to living in caves and hunting for a living. My ancestors were doing that just 100 years ago so it would be easy for me to revert, except my country is invaded by Europeans and they killed off nearly all my food source, the buffalo. There is an old saying that applies here, don't go off half cocked.

Sources, resources, and sites full of science and facts

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